Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cracks In The Wall - s/t - 7"

You got to admire the fact that besides starting a career as a soccerhooligan for Roda, updating the Asice show section, becoming one of the best new tattooists in The Netherlands and growing hair the four members of Cracks In The Wall found the time to tour Eastern Europe, the UK and play some really great shows in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. On top of that they even managed to release a new seven song 7" that shows they've grown a lot musically the past year.

Recorded in a day this 7" gives that on stage feeling that lots of records nowadays lack. Overproducing can kill a good record and Cracks In The Wall show that to release an ep of fast songs doesn't mean you have to sit in a recording facility for weeks. One day is enough to get the job done right.

Opening song 'State of Distress' is a prime example of how much the band has grown as musicians. Before joining the band I don't think drummer Willem ever sat behind a drumkit. Years later this song proves he drums as fast and solid as any band in the genre can hope for.

The new self titled 7" is more balanced than the previous endeavour, the sloppyness that was a charm on that one is gone and traded for a tight and gritty sound. To me it reminded me a bit of the 'All My Heroes Are Dead' sound of Amendment 18 (how good is that record) though I'm probably far off since both bands don't really have a lot in common. Yet the feeling of the songs is somewhat the same.

The songs 'See Through You' and 'Rot Away' combine Black Flag guitarparts with the rage of Negative Approach, and should be able to set anyone into fast eighties hardcore on fire.

With songs these good and live performances to match it up it really is time to give these guys some more recognition. They are one of the best fast hardcore bands in The Netherlands and deserve a spot next to Citizens Patrol and Reproach.

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