Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Heartfelt album details

This came just in from my labelboss at Shield Recordings:

And again we haven't been sleeping and a lot has happened. Sit back and enjoy this news bulletin.

- Point at Others MCD out now. 7 out soon.
- New signings: High Treason and Said And Done.
- Heartfelt take it or leave it CD.
- Shield Recordings shirts.
- Upcoming shows.

Point at Others s/t MCD and 7.
The Point at Others s/t MCD was released September 1st, on the first show of their small weekend tour with Gascoigne. The 7 will be out in a few weeks. We are pretty stoked on the complete package (music, art etc.) so make sure to check it out. Also check out their great new merchandise.
Point at Others play fast and intense old school hardcore with brutal vocals. Check or[/url] for some songs.
The MCD and 7 are a co-release with our friends form Crash Landing Records and Dp-or-not-Dp records.

New signings:

High Treason TBA 7"
We of Shield Recordings are very excited that we can announce our latest signing High Treason to our band roster. High Treason was formed early 2005 and they have received some high numbers and good reviews with their brass tracks demo. We are very pleased that High Treason will be recording 6 songs for an upcoming 7 on September 23/24th. The 7 will be released on Shield Recording at the end of October / early November. For more info about High Treason, music and everything else you like to know, check

Said And Done CD/LP.
Technically Said and Done isnt a new signing for Shield Recordings, since they only changed their name from Stab Back to Said And Done. On the other hand, with their change of sound and name they became a totally different band. We are very excited that Said And Done choose to work with Shield Recordings again. They will be recording a full length in December which should be released on CD/LP before the end of February 2007. To get a good idea what Said And Done is about check their website,, where you can find 2 new songs.

Coming Soon:
Heartfelt take it or leave it CD.
At last its time for Heartfelts first full length record. Heartfelt recorded 14 songs for their upcoming album entitled Take it or leave it. We at Shield Recordings have heard the unmixed version already and we can assure you that this record will be a blast. These 14 songs combine politics with literature, a punk attitude and fast pissed off hardcore enhancing the Heartfelt sound to a higher degree. The record will be released early December. Till then the band is going to lay low to prepare for some awesome release shows. In the mean time check out one of the new songs on Heartfelts myspace (

Shield Recordings shirts.
Finally for the first time in our existence we are going to print some shirts. Frankie Deny did some great work by designing these shirts, the print is simply awesome. We are going to print 2 different colours. For an image check The shirts will be sold for only 10,-. If you like the design and want to have one send an email to with your size and the colour you like to get.

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