Friday, June 09, 2006

So much to do, so little time

Just a quick update as I'm pretty busy nowadays
My wife and I recently bought an awesome little house in the town centre of Tilburg,
Heartfelt is going into the studio within a few weeks and the new Bouncing Souls keeps spinning round.

If I can give you one solid advice it's this:
Get your hands on the Bouncing Souls 'Gold Record'. It's the perfect summer soundtrack.

O the new Panic ep is crazy as well, think Panic meets Suicide File and a bit of Nerve Agents. Looking forward to seeing them live.

Now if you don't mind I'm off to read Number9Dream by David Mitchell, recommend reading material!


GI Kate said...

Thank you! i think thats my favorite tattoo.

Congratulations on getting a house! I heard the Netherlands sells gas for like 15 cents a gallon? is this true? if so expect a new neighbor!

GI Kate said...

so i looked up gas prices...6.78 a gallon? fuck that! and i thought NY had high prices. thats insane!!!

so what does the netherlands look like? i picture...lots of hills, sheep, lots of narrow and curvy roads and its windy. am i way off?!

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