Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Don't let the bugs bite at night

Day number two of the Italian holiday. Let me start by summarizing the events that lead up to this point.
Yesterday my mother and grandmother drove us to the airport. It was hot, lots of traffic jams and there was nothing on the radio so I grabbed in my bag and put on the Johnny Cash - Legend record. There's just something about singing about marriage in Jackson when in a car in The Netherlands that upifts the spirit. When arriving on the airport we checked in our luggage and wandered around the shops for a bit. I was kind of dissapointed about the poor quality of novels they were selling and all ready to go into the plane.
The flight was allright with Against Me! and Death Is Not Glamorous on my discman. My wife did get sick though when landing. The baby was kicking her stomach so she had to vomit. The boy is already a little kicker allright.
When arriving on Treviso Airport my wifes brother Elmer (who lives in Italy) was already there to pick us up and drive us to his house where we're going to be staying for the next week.
I did however still had a deadline for a reviewarticle on Powerfest. It's for the new issue of Upmagazine and had to be in yesterday evening. After greeting Elmers's wife Franscesca and two year old son Gian Carlo I rushed into the computerroom to get work done.
The rest of the evening we spent talking, reading and listening to the new Good Riddance record (that was only me though).
We were all pretty tired and after a big cup of bacho/mint chocolate icecream we all went to bed.
buzzzz was the only sound I kept on hearing, lots of mosquitos were flying around, sipping blood from my wife who couldn't catch a sleep till five hours later the sun started to come up again.
Today we're going to try and do something about those bugs as well as finish David Mitchells' debut novel (recommended), listening to The Ramones and some walking around. BB Kings is playing here soon, that should be awesome and I just heard there are some comicstores and a punkrecordstore around somewhere so I want to find those as well.
So far this whole blog has been much ado about nothing but it is better than nothing I guess.
Pictures will be up soon.
Oh I also have emailed the people from www.pastepunk.com an interview with Betrayed I did. Hopefully they think it's good enough to be published.
If you have the chance to see Modern Life Is War tell Sjarm I kind of miss him and his ugly face every now and then.

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