Thursday, June 22, 2006

The end of a certain era/ LIAR RIP

After 11 years of LIAR, the time has come to end it all here and now.
We take pride in all the things we have done through the years, we take pride in the fact that we have paved the path for a current metalcore scene, did things back then no-one else did and that this small band out of small region in Belgium called h8000 could do a bunch of great tours in and out of Europe over the years.
Not many bands in this scene have the chance and inspiration to put out 5 full lenght releases and a bunch of other stuff, this is again an action i take personal pride in, being the starter of Liar and one and only original member left, i see this kind of as a personal statement, but it's definitely in the name of Liar as a collective.
A crazy bunch of situations that have occured this year leaves no other choice than just quitting …all the huge positive feedback on our latest effort, Murder Manifesto, should give every band plenty of motivation and energy to conquer and continue, but to us it just brought sheer misery… Constant line-up changes, cancellations and basically a band without a plan lately aren't good motivations to keep the fire buring, it was a bit too much to handle in the very end.
Liar has started out as a 100% sxe band and after the many fill-ins live, that weren't edge and the difficulties of finding members that are, that's another big problem to keep it going. Thanx a million to the fill-ins for being there and made a lot of things still possible of course.
We met amazingly great people through the years, made a ton of friends and especially the GSR staff picked us up and made it possible to release our last effort 'murder manifesto'.

Thanks for everything, as you know who you are!

HANS & LIAR. 1995-2006.

When I started to listen to hardcore Liar was certainly one of the most influential bands around in Europe. They played metalcore on a level bands ever since have tried to duplicate but always failed. Liars' lyrics were full on straight edge in a way that could make Mike Judge proud. The times I sang along with my friends to songs like 'Battlecries', 'Deathrow Earth' and ofcourse 'New Born Fire' are countless. Their shows in Ieper, Dongen and Arnhem are legendary. To be honest I didn't really follow the band the past few years still it's sad to see them go. I'll leave you now with one phrase: "Warfare against your drug paradise!"

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